Mountain Hut San Bernardino Mesolcina Calanca

Capanna Buffalora


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The Sentiero Alpino is one of the pearls of alpine trekking. The 50 km route delights hikers with its bold transitions, breathtaking views and unique cabins. In 3 days you hike over almost impossible transitions, through grandiose mountain landscapes and past magical mountain lakes, highlight after deep view. Capanna Buffalora is also recommended as a 2 day tour.


Beautiful pastures and larch forests with rhododendrons and blueberries: this is, in short, the location of Buffalora, the only alpine hut in the Calanca area that is open during the summer months. This is where the Sentiero Alpino Calanca passes, a challenging but fascinating route that connects San Bernardino to Santa Maria in Calanca. The hut is located near the ridge that separates the Calanca from the Mesolcina and offers a splendid panorama to all visitors.


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